Before you get started make sure that you have php and composer available in your shell:
$ php -v
$ composer -v
In an empty directory create a minimal composer.json file in your directory:
"require": {}
In your directory create a file called GettingStarted.php
with the following
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Trace\SpanExporter\ConsoleSpanExporter;
use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Trace\SpanProcessor\SimpleSpanProcessor;
use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Trace\TracerProvider;
echo 'Starting ConsoleSpanExporter' . PHP_EOL;
$tracerProvider = new TracerProvider(
new SimpleSpanProcessor(
new ConsoleSpanExporter()
$tracer = $tracerProvider->getTracer('io.opentelemetry.contrib.php');
$rootSpan = $tracer->spanBuilder('root')->startSpan();
try {
$span1 = $tracer->spanBuilder('foo')->startSpan();
try {
$span2 = $tracer->spanBuilder('bar')->startSpan();
echo 'OpenTelemetry welcomes PHP' . PHP_EOL;
} finally {
} finally {
To use the OpenTelemetry SDK for PHP you need packages that satisfy the
dependencies for php-http/async-client-implementation
, for example the Guzzle 7 HTTP Adapter
satisfies both:
$ composer require "php-http/guzzle7-adapter"
Now you can install the OpenTelemetry SDK:
$ composer require open-telemetry/opentelemetry
The example uses the ConsoleSpanExporter
, which prints Spans to stdout. A Span
typically represents a single unit of work. A Trace is a grouping of Spans.
Run the script:
$ php GettingStarted.php
Starting ConsoleSpanExporter
OpenTelemetry welcomes PHP
You’ll see output similar to the following, which shows 3 spans within a single trace:
"name": "bar",
"context": {
"trace_id": "e7bc999fb17f453c6e6445802ba1e558",
"span_id": "24afe9c453481636",
"trace_state": null
"parent_span_id": "c63030cc93c48641",
"kind": "KIND_INTERNAL",
"start": 1635373538696880128,
"end": 1635373538697000960,
"attributes": [],
"status": {
"code": "Unset",
"description": ""
"events": []
"name": "foo",
"context": {
"trace_id": "e7bc999fb17f453c6e6445802ba1e558",
"span_id": "c63030cc93c48641",
"trace_state": null
"parent_span_id": "4e6396224842fc15",
"kind": "KIND_INTERNAL",
"start": 1635373538696482048,
"end": 1635373538700564992,
"attributes": [],
"status": {
"code": "Unset",
"description": ""
"events": []
"name": "root",
"context": {
"trace_id": "e7bc999fb17f453c6e6445802ba1e558",
"span_id": "4e6396224842fc15",
"trace_state": null
"parent_span_id": "",
"kind": "KIND_INTERNAL",
"start": 1635373538691308032,
"end": 1635373538700800000,
"attributes": [],
"status": {
"code": "Unset",
"description": ""
"events": []
The next step is to modify the code to send spans to the collector via OTLP instead of the console.
Next, using the GettingStarted.php
from earlier, replace the console exporter
with an OTLP exporter:
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\HttpFactory;
use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Trace\SpanExporter\ConsoleSpanExporter;
use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Trace\SpanProcessor\SimpleSpanProcessor;
use OpenTelemetry\Contrib\OtlpHttp\Exporter as OtlpHttpExporter;
use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Trace\TracerProvider;
echo 'Starting OtlpHttpExporter' . PHP_EOL;
$tracerProvider = new TracerProvider(
new SimpleSpanProcessor(
new OtlpHttpExporter(new Client(), new HttpFactory(), new HttpFactory())
$tracer = $tracerProvider->getTracer('io.opentelemetry.contrib.php');
$rootSpan = $tracer->spanBuilder('root')->startSpan();
try {
$span1 = $tracer->spanBuilder('foo')->startSpan();
try {
$span2 = $tracer->spanBuilder('bar')->startSpan();
echo 'OpenTelemetry welcomes PHP' . PHP_EOL;
} finally {
} finally {
Set the OTLP endpoint via an environment variable and run the PHP application:
$ env OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:4318/v1/traces php GettingStarted.php
Starting OtlpHttpExporter
OpenTelemetry welcomes PHP
Now, telemetry will be output by the collector process.